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9/30 LITERATURE:YouTube watch the video The Century: America's Time: 1929 - 1939 Stormy Weather, this video over the Great Depression will help give the background for the novel we will begin this week.


9/30-10/4 Grammar: Adjectives introduction. Literature: Great Depression and introduction of novel Bud,Not Buddy.


9/25 Grammar: Pronouns test. Literature: Mood and tone in Google classroom. Friday test over bell work proofreading sentences.


9/24 Grammar: Review pronouns worksheet page 35 - test over pronouns on Thursday. Literature: Author's purpose #6 in Google classroom.


9/23 Grammar: Pronouns worksheet page 35 Literature: Author's purpose #3 Google classroom assignment Next AR test due in two weeks October 9th. The book must be worth three or more points.


Denise Phelps

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