For Mac OS users, there is a system setting that may not allow you to tab onto several types of elements in a web page. To change this setting:
by Snapshot
Posted on March 22, 2019
AR test will be due Wednesday, April 3.
Make sure the book is a 3 point book or higher.
Monday: Bellwork: Subject/Verb agreement “Are they written correctly?"
Subject/Verb agreement: finish powerpoint and notes. apply what they have reviewed on worksheet
Summarizing: Movie summary activity, 12 word summary and 6 word summary.
Take notes on the points of summarizing.
3 readings to work on summarizing
Study Island: academic language (if we have time)
Tuesday: Bellwork: Indefinite pronoun reminders subj/verb agreement
Summarizing: 60 second fairy tale activity with groups
notes on summarizing and 2 stories
Wednesday: Bellwork: analogies worksheet ½ (English for everyone)
Summarizing: Doodle activity, Title to summarize,
Independence day and Star activity (5 w’s)
Thursday: Bellwork: Unstoppable You
subject-verb agreement
Friday: No School
Enrichment: Reminder: be willing to learn. Participate and have a GREAT attitude.
Monday: Read aloud to class – Echo
Line design – make sure students have finished activity to be hung for display
Graph Art: finish Alaska design and color the 2 colors instructed
Tuesday: Read aloud to class – Echo
Team building escape room activity
Wednesday: Read aloud to class – Echo
Taxes??? where do they go??? Discuss city tax and how portions of it go to state and county also. Math in the real world activity on worksheet 10/11
Math with groceries and taxes worksheet 37
Thursday: Read aloud to class – Echo
Real world math worksheet 12/97, again working with percentages and decimals
Friday: NO School